
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Launching Green HOPE Coaching

The New Year has begun! January is near the end! If you are like most people, your new year's resolutions are already a distant memory.

Well, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Kathy- the Green HOPE Coach!
Let me explain...

Years ago, I became aware of an increasing desire to be part of helping people take their 'next steps'. Whether that is to find their vision for their life, clarify the values they want to be known for, deepen relationships or work through a dark place, I wanted to come alongside and assist others to live out their uniqueness.

Then life took some unexpected, core shaking turns- most specifically, the death of our daughter, Leisha. Everything I had ever believed about life; my roles, my relationships, my purpose, even my belief in God and His character were brought into question. But in my laborious struggle through that deep, dark tunnel of mud called grief, I learned some valuable lessons.

1. It really DOES matter what you build into your life when things are going well. That's the stuff you have to trust when tragedy strikes. My knowledge of who God says He is, my study of who He made me to be, even the words of scripture or my own words of my vision statement were part of what gave me strength to take next steps when I could barely stand.
What would you like to build into your life now?

2. It really DOES matter the quality of relationships that you are growing in your life. When life hits-it is most often those people- ordinary people- that walk with you through it. Ordinary people doing ordinary (to them) things have an extraordinary impact on the lives of people in our world- mine especially.
Who are the people in your world? What kind of relationship do you have with them? What can you do this week/ month to deepen those relationships?

The afternoon Leisha died, I was teasing her about her impatience to get her driver's permit. "You just want power," I quipped. I could sense she was thinking hard about that statement, when she replied, "Mom I don't need power. I want to INFLUENCE! I want to say to people, 'I'm going! Come with me'!"

I realized, over the course of the last four years since her death, that I too want to influence! I want to be part of opening the eyes of men and women to see Hope! As Leisha would say "My favorite color means my favorite word- Green means HOPE!" I want to influence others to see Green, life giving Hope in the middle of their sometimes very brown worlds.

So...(drum roll please)!!!
Introducing my new practice called Green HOPE Coaching!

To 25 plus years of ministry experience, I've added a program for life coach certification.

A life coach is not a counselor, nor a consultant. My role is to help coach you to an awareness of your vision and relationships and next steps. I ask the questions to guide you to who and what you truly value in life. Along the way, we identify the potential obstacles and clarify goals and actions to reach your dream. Or maybe you've lost sight of that dream completely. It's not to late to peel back the layers that keep it from view.

Sound interesting? Call me! I offer a free strategy session to consider if our partnering would be of benefit to you- or perhaps a friend. Most of my coaching is done over the phone- so whether you are near or far away, I'm available to work with you. We'll design a program that works for you depending on your desired outcome.

I'm also continuing to develop messages that speak hope with your church or organization. If you would like more information on topics that I speak on, give me a call.

For coaching or speaking, you can contact me at 419-306-8311 or
You can even check out the 'still being designed' website at

Make a conscious choice this year to SEE HOPE / to PLANT HOPE! I'd love to walk that journey with you!

May the God of Green HOPE fill you up with peace, fill you up with joy, so that your believing lives, filled with the life giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with HOPE!
(Romans 15:13, the message)

Kathy, the Green HOPE Coach

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